Performance Test using JMeter

3 min readNov 11, 2020


Web performance testing is needed to determine whether a web application meets the requirements for speed, scalability, and stability under the expected workload. One of the tools you can use to perform performance testing is JMeter.

1. Performance Test with JMeter GUI

a. Create thread group, with step: right click on the Test Plan → choose Add → choose Threads (Users) → choose Thread Group

create Thread Group

b. Add JMeter elements, with step: right click on the Thread Group → choose Add → choose Config Element → choose HTTP Request Defaults. In the HTTP Request Defaults, enter the Website name under test (

c. Add HTTP Request, with step: right click on Thread Group → choose Add → choose Sampler → choose HTTP Request

d. Add View Results in Table, with step: right click Test Plan → choose Add → choose Listener → choose View Results in Table

create HTTP Request and View Results in Table

e. Add Graph Results, with step: right click Test Plan → choose Add → choose Listener → choose Graph Results

f. Run Test and get the test result like below.

test result in Table view
test result in Graph view

Based on test result above, we can summarize that the throughput of Google server is 29.703/minute and deviation 47. It means Google server can handle 29.703 requests per minute. The throughput and deviation values will differ depending on several factors such as current server load at google, your internet speed, your CPU power, etc.

2. Postman Performance Test with JMeter

To perform your postman collection with JMeter, you should convert Postman API to JMeter(.jmx) file with HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or you can use third party converter like postman2jmx (

I will explain how to convert Postman API collection to JMeter (.jmx) file in the next post.

After you have .jmx file, you can execute it and generate reports simultaneously using Windows Command Prompt:

jmeter -n -t(path of .jmx file) -l(path of csv result folder) -e -o(path of result folder)

jmeter -n -t E:\jmeterTest\ThreadGroup.jmx -l E:\jmeterTest\report\csv\Result.csv -e -o E:\jmeterTest\report\html\Result
JMeter execution command

After execute the cmd command above, you can check the result in folder report.

csv report
html report

Thanks for reading.




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