Manual Testing is a type of software testing in which the test cases are executed manually by the tester, and the manual testing result can be stored in a test script form using web recorder. To save the manual test flow into a test script, you can use Katalon Recorder.
Before you start recording manual test activity, you need to install the Katalon Recorder extension in the browser.
For Chrome browser, you can find it on the Chrome store or for Firefox you can find it in Firefox add-ons.
For now I will show you how to record a manual flow test using Chrome.
After add Katalon Recorder in your browser, now you can start doing manual test with test case: Go to → Type “Cheese” → click Search button → display Search Result page → Open one of the search results that displays the word cheese (
1. Open Katalon Recorder then click ‘+’ icon for create new test suite. fill the test suite’s name with “Google Search” and click OK.
2. Right click on Google Search test suite and select Add New Test Case then name it with “search cheese”, click OK.
3. Click record and start browsing → type “cheese” → click Search button → open
4. Click Play button to check whether the recording is successful.
5. Export your manual test recording to multiple languages and test platforms with step: click Export → select the desired test format → click Copy to Clipboard or Save As File… → click Close.
For this example I will export it to the TestNG test script then click Save As File…
In Save As popup form, choose save as type: All Files (*.*) then fill the filename “” then click Save button.
Done! Now you have successfully created a test script based on your manual test flow and you can reuse it for your automated testing later.
Thanks for reading.